Are you sad or depressed?

Do you feel angry and do not know what to do with your anger?

Cannot you overcome something that happened to you or a situation that you are living?


Life is made up of all those situations that we experience in our day to day life. Some are wonderful, we enjoy them, we share them and we celebrate them. Others, on the other hand, we like them much less, they produce pain and they are less welcome. However, all of them make us who we are.

Individual therapy is a unique confidential process between two people: a qualified professional as a psychological therapist and a person seeking help to solve a particular problem that is difficult to face alone, such as life changes or improving the quality of lifetime.


Therapy can help people overcome obstacles to their well-being and can increase positive feelings, such as compassion and self-esteem. In therapy you can also learn skills to handle difficult situations, make healthy choices and achieve goals. Many find that they enjoy the therapeutic journey of becoming more self-aware.


There are different reasons to seek therapy; If a problem causes distress or interferes with daily life, one feels unhappy or overwhelmed and desperate for problems in one's life. Anxiety can mean negative thoughts, feelings, behaviors or even a bodily sensation such as pain or fatigue. It can also help if you cannot focus on work or school, experience addiction or feel as if you hurt yourself or someone else. It is important not to wait until the symptoms become severe before seeking help.


Some people avoid seeking or attending aid meetings, and there are many reasons for this, such as what they will say, the fear that confidentiality will not be respected, the sense of shame of talking about past hurts, the problems of money or not wanting to recognize that something is wrong.

If you are going through a difficult time or situation, contact us and if you have doubts about whether or not to go to a psychotherapy specialist, do not hesitate to discuss your reasons with the therapist of your choice in the first session. Sometimes, a talk can help to fend off the fears and clarify the parameters and objectives of the therapeutic sessions. We listen to you without judging you, and we can accompany you on the way to a solution tailored to your needs.